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Our Services

Spinach Leaves


Free Discovery Call

Before setting up a consultation, set up a call with me to see if we are a good fit! We will briefly discuss your symptoms (physical and psychological), eating routine, thoughts about food and your body, and whatever else you feel is relevant.  

Length: 15 minutes

Price: Free


Initial Consultation

If we are a good fit, we can set up an initial consultation. During this, I will ask you about your eating habits, social background, medical history, physical symptoms and more to understand you as a whole person. The next step will be follow up sessions!

Length: 45-60 minutes

Price: $135


Follow-Up Sessions

Now that I know your background, we can get started. I will work with you to heal your relationship with food and your body utilizing anti-diet nutrition psychoeducation, intuitive eating principles, and whatever else is appropriate for your case. 

Length: 45-60 minutes

Price: $135


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